Leaving the Country by Susannah Felts
Jess wanted to ignore the truth. Her friend Ardell had made a decision—one he’d made before in fact, but this time he swore he meant it. That meant he was happy, and Jess was not. more...
Xylophone by Patrick Somerville
At two a.m., after a long Saturday night waiting tables at a Wicker Park restaurant, Mark keyed his way into his apartment. His keychain, an ironic red white and blue Jesus Christ badge—ironic because he was not a Christian and he thought it was funny, or had once thought it was funny—knocked against the locks. more...
Axl Watch: Chapter One by Pete Coco and Scott Stealey
Gatz didn't tell me anything about the job, just said that at six in the morning the guy would be there, at this drycleaners in Koreatown. Sent me a jpeg. more... |